Displaying 1 - 10 of 42
20 Bennett Street - Mencap Supported Housing
| Tel: 07983596350
Bennett Street is an 8 bedded supported housing service in the beautiful location of central Bath.
999 BSL
999 BSL is the name of the UK’s first ever Emergency Video Relay Service in British Sign Language (BSL).
The Ammerdown Centre
| Tel: 01761433709
We offer a range of days throughout the month to bring people together. Such as a Refreshing Day for Carers which takes place one Thursday a month from 10am - 3pm and includes a range of activities and cooked lunch, TLC Days for the Retired which takes place one Tuesday a month from 10am - 2pm and on the last Monday of the month we hold a Cuppa and Chat from 2pm - 4pm, where anyone is welcome to join who may benefit from a community connection.
Autism Friendly Screenings at The Little Theatre Cinema
| Tel: 0207 326 2649
Our Autism Friendly screenings are adapted in a variety of ways to help reduce anxiety and overstimulation and ensure a safe, enjoyable cinema experience for people with autism, and their families, friends and carers. Autism Friendly Screenings are on the third Sunday of the month at 10.30.
Bath Mencap
Bath Mencap Society is a local charity supporting all local people with learning disabilities, their families and carers, in Bath and the surrounding areas.
Bath Mencap and Gateway Sports Club
| Tel: 07743677837
FREE sports available for people with learning difficulties aged 14 and over including adults, and their families/carers. Bath MENCAP and Gateway Sports Club meet every Thursday at the sports centre and always welcome new members.
Bath Romans Wheelchair Basketball Club
| Tel: 07805813840
Fun, inclusive wheelchair basketball sessions for young people and adults Sports wheelchairs are provided and you don't need a disability to play!
The British Red Cross wheelchair hire service
| Tel: 0300 456 1914
The British Red Cross provides a wheelchair hire service, for short term use, providing comfortable, safe and reliable manual wheelchairs whether you're looking for self-propelled or transit wheelchairs. The wheelchairs are suitable for anyone over the age of 5 and are available in a wide range of sizes, subject to availability.
Calibre Audio: Free audiobooks for children and young adults with SEND
| Tel: 01296432339
Calibre is a national charity, which provides audiobooks free of charge to children and young people (0-25 years) with SEND. Making books and stories accessible to people who find reading print difficult.
Carrswood Day Service
| Tel: 01225 394590
Our service focuses on providing opportunities for adults with a Learning Disability, who require a high level of support to learn new skills, gain confidence and learn independent living skills.