Mental health

Find mental health services and support.


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    | Tel: 0800 068 4141

    Prevention of young suicide

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    Pathways to Wellbeing @ the Holburne Museum, Bath

    | Tel: 01225 388565

    Pathways to Wellbeing is an exciting programme of creative groups, designed to support people with lived experience of mental health issues, social isolation and homelessness. We offer safe, calm, inspiring, informative and welcoming spaces for people to explore their creativity, learn about local heritage and have fun!

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    R;pple Suicide Prevention

    Discretely intercepting harmful searches and providing signposting to 24/7, free mental health support at a time when you are most vulnerable.

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    Relational & Trauma Counselling for new & expectant mothers

    | Tel: 01225 395400

    A 10-week one-to-one Counselling service for new & expectant mothers affected by their own Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which supports mothers to heal past hurts and develop stronger family relationships. A Bright Start Children’s Centre Service delivered by a trained Psychotherapist and supported trainee Counselling Psychologists.

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    ReThink Mental Illness

    | Tel: 0808 801 0525

    We improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through our network of local groups and services, expert information and successful campaigning. Our goal is to make sure everyone severely affected by mental illness has a good quality of life.

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    Roots to Wellbeing - Your Park Bristol & Bath

    | Tel: 07521754556

    Roots to Wellbeing offer weekly health and wellbeing sessions in Bath to support those who are struggling with low mood and/or loneliness. The sessions aim to help people connect with nature and socialise with others.

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    | Tel: 116 123

    Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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    | Tel: 07984 967 708

    Meeting the challenge of mental illness. We believe that no-one affected by mental illness should face crisis, distress or despair completely alone.

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    Second Step - Floating Support BANES

    | Tel: 01225 750926

    Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) Floating Support is a free short to medium-term service for people with mental health problems who are either finding it difficult to manage their tenancy and could be at risk of losing their home or are moving into a new tenancy and need support to do this.

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    The Silver Line

    | Tel: 0800 4 70 80 90

    Free, confidential telephone service just for older people. We provide friendship, conversation and support for people aged 55 or over, especially those who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.